Social services provided by Bærum municipality include counselling, economic assistance, addiction care, refugee settlement, residential and start-up loans, and job training.

Bærum arbeidssenter offers work placements for people with various disabilities.

Special housing and home services are available for certain groups.


Barnevernet (Child welfare service) provides children, adolescents and families with help and support when there is a difficult situation in the home or a child is in need of help for other reasons, such as behavioural problems or problems connected to drugs or alcohol.

If parents are experiencing problems or difficulties, barnevernet is obliged to provide whatever help is necessary to ensure that children and adolescents receive the care they need. Barnevernet’s duty is to ensure that children and adolescents who are living in situations or conditions that represent a risk to their health and/or development receive any help necessary at the time it is needed and to contribute to that children and adolescents grow up in safe, secure and caring circumstances.

Phone: 67 50 68 00
Phone: 67 50 47 70 (out of hours)

Women's shelter

The Women’s shelter in Asker and Bærum is a refuge for abused women and provides a 24-hour service.

Phone: 67 50 83 83


Flyktningekontoret (Refugee office) is responsible for settling refugees in the municipality.

Phone: 67 50 67 50